
Fellowship is important to us and for those in Colchester we meet together on THURSDAYS at 6.30pm. This is an important time Bible Study to understand the word of God and be clear about His principles.

We meet for Bible discussion on a FRIDAY at 11.30am to understand what the it is saying and what it means for our daily lives. We seek to learn how to practice our faith and live it out.

We meet on SUNDAY at 1.30pm (2.30pm in the Summer) to see what God, has been saying to each of us through the Holy Spirit. We call this ‘Body Ministry’; each person having the right (and responsibility) to bring and share something from God. There is no order of service and no one leads it from the front. Instead, we value the spontaneity and freedom to see what God is doing today!

On SUNDAY morning at 10.30am Bible School takes place when we have new people joining us. This is an opportunity for those who have attended ‘Start’ and new Christians to learn through studying the Bible the basis of faith and what it means to be a Christian.